Five Quick Steps to Making a Great Painting

Everyone has an artistic side, but when it comes to painting, many people are intimidated by the process. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, there are five quick steps that will help you achieve your artistic goals and make a great painting. In creating the concept boards you need to choose and consider your subject so that the outcome will look good.

  1. Choose Your Subject
  2. Sketch Your Idea
  3. Start With a Masterpiece
  4. Add Color and Texture
  5. Finish Your Piece

The first step to making a great painting is to have an idea.

Sometimes this can be hard. I’m always trying to come up with new ideas for paintings, but sometimes it can feel like my brain is empty. I’ve learned that it’s important to give yourself time to think. You don’t have to come up with something right away, but if you sit there thinking about it every day, eventually something will pop into your mind.

The second step is to get out your supplies and start sketching!

This can be a little intimidating if you’re unfamiliar with drawing or painting, so I’ve included some links below that will help you find inspiration.

The third step is deciding what kind of painting you want to make.

I always choose acrylic because it’s easy to clean up and doesn’t smell bad when you make mistakes! If you want more control over how thick or thin your paint looks, try watercolor paper instead of just plain white paper. It won’t dry as quickly, though!

Before you start, let’s talk about some of the basic tools you’ll need to make your painting.

A canvas and a paintbrush are the bare essentials, but having these items will help you get started on your way to becoming an artist.

A canvas is simply a large sheet of fabric stretched over a frame. You can buy canvases at most art supply stores, or if you have access to an open-air market with lots of vendors, you might find one there too.

The next most important item is your paintbrush. A good brush doesn’t have to be expensive; it just needs to be made of natural materials like horsehair or camel hair.

A palette is simply a flat surface on which you place all your paints so that they don’t spill onto the floor or table while you’re painting. If you want something fancier than a simple plate or bowl, then try this convenient collapsible palette from Winsor & Newton!

If you’re serious about painting, there’s nothing more frustrating than staring at a blank canvas and being unable to create anything worthwhile. But with the right preparation and a little practice, it’s possible to turn any blank canvas into something special.

Here are five quick steps that will help you make great paintings:

  1. Choose your subject matter carefully.
  2. Prepare your canvas with gesso or primer.
  3. Make sure your paints are properly mixed (the color is correct).
  4. Draw out your composition on paper first, then transfer those lines onto the canvas when they’re dry so they don’t smudge when you start painting on them later on down the line.
  5. Get inspired by looking at other artists’ work who have done similar things before you — this can help give you ideas for composition and color choices

More info about the best composition of subject in doing a painting.