Four Things To Know When Thinking About Becoming A Pilates Instructor


Pilates is a growing fitness trend that’s becoming more popular every day. It’s not just for women anymore, either: plenty of men are getting in on the fun. Pilates has been around for over 100 years now, so it’s no surprise that there’s no shortage of different ways to teach it. While there are some commonalities among Pilates studios, each one will have its own personality and approach. And while we can’t tell you which studio or instructor fits your teaching style best (that’s between you and your gut), we can share some insights into what makes a great Pilates teacher training Sydney so effective…and why they’re worth considering if you’re thinking about becoming one yourself!

Pilates is growing.

Pilates is growing in popularity. In fact, its popularity has grown so much that it’s becoming mainstream and more accessible. More people are practicing it every day, especially women of all ages and backgrounds who want to stay fit without putting too much effort into it or spending a lot of money on fancy equipment.

Pilates is also becoming more diverse as we move forward into the 21st century: there are now even Pilates classes for kids!

Becoming an instructor is no easy task.

Becoming an instructor is no easy task. While some programs are more rigorous than others, it’s important to do your research and find the right program for you. Some programs are more expensive than others, while some are less so. It’s also important to know that all instructors aren’t created equal!

Teaching Pilates can be a lot of fun.

Teaching Pilates can be a lot of fun.

As a teacher, you get to meet new people and help them attain their goals. It also is a very rewarding job in that you feel good about yourself after each session because you know that what you did has helped someone else feel better. There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing your students improve their health and well-being through your instruction. Teaching Pilates is also a great way to earn a living because it’s flexible enough that it can be done at any time during the day or evening, allowing instructors to schedule their classes around other obligations like school or family commitments.

You will likely find yourself teaching at several different studios and locations.

You will likely find yourself teaching at several different studios and locations. The first thing to know is that you may have to travel during your training. There are many parts of the country that do not have schools with on-site instructors, and even if they did, the cost might be prohibitive for you. If this is the case, look for a school with a strong online program or one that offers certification in your state but allows you to teach anywhere in the country (which would make it much easier to be flexible). Your best bet is finding a school that offers both options so you can choose which works best for your situation.

Becoming a Pilates instructor isn’t easy, but it can be very rewarding.

Becoming a Pilates instructor isn’t easy, but it can be very rewarding. As a growing industry, there is a high demand for Pilates instructors, and you’ll have the opportunity to work in many different settings.

If you’re ready to make the commitment of becoming an instructor, here are four things to know before signing up for your course:

  • You’ll need certification. Before starting as an instructor, you must take and pass state-approved courses that cover anatomy and physiology as well as teaching methodology. Many schools offer these courses online or at their facilities; others will send you directly out into the field once passing requirements have been met.* You’ll need patience! Becoming certified requires hard work on both sides of the table: Your instructors will teach how best practices should be implemented in order for students’ bodies​ ​to achieve maximum results—and sometimes those results can take longer than expected! The good news is that if someone doesn’t see changes after several months of training with us (or even after completing our program), we give them full refunds–even if they’ve already paid us upfront fees/tuition costs because we know how important it is that everyone feels comfortable with whatever method works best for them.* We have flexible schedules so anyone who wants advice on where they should start their own business


The bottom line is that it takes a lot of hard work to be a Pilates instructor. You will have to put in the time, effort and energy to make sure that you are prepared for any situation that may arise during class. However, if you love Pilates and want to become an instructor so that others can benefit from it too then this could be the right job for you!